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How to set up a wheel odometry input?

As a heads-up, before integrating the wheel odometry into the Vision-RTK2, we suggest updating it to our latest stable release.

The Vision-RTK2 accepts a linear velocity input for either a single point (Rear Center) or a 4-wheel configuration. Refer to section 5.8 of the Integration Manual for the wheel odometry integration. Here you will find the sensor configuration required if you use UART/TCP or CAN. The Vision-RTK2 employs the NOV_B-RAWDMI message format to stream wheelspeed information via the UART serial or TCP ports. The definition of this message format is presented in section 7.1.1 of the Integration Manual.

On the other hand, to stream the wheel odometry messages through the CAN bus, you must use our Fixposition CAN frame, whose definition is in Appendix B of the Integration Manual.

To input the wheelspeed information to either of these methods, you must properly configure the UART or CAN ports to ensure that their respective baud rate/bitrate is sufficient to stream this information.

Lastly, if you have a ROS topic available with the wheelspeed information, you can use our ‘Fixposition Odometry Converter' node, which you can find in ‘’. Currently, messages of the type ‘geometry_msgs/Twist’, ‘geometry_msgs/TwistWithCov’, and 'nav_msgs/Odometry’ are accepted.

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