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Why is the IMU not converging?


Concerning the IMU bias convergence flag, it is only activated once all biases have stabilized. For this, we need to excite the IMU under RTK-fixed GNSS conditions and estimate how the inertial measurements track the movement of the platform. If this is not working as expected, the exerted forces were likely insufficient to fully excite the IMU in all axes. More information can be found in Section 6.1.1 of the Integration Manual.

If the user repeatedly observes that the IMU flag takes too long or does not at all appear ‘converged’ after moving the platform under RTK Fixed conditions, please reach out to Kindly send us an internal "Medium" recording on the Vision-RTK 2 to fully reproduce what the sensor experienced and diagnose what is delaying the IMU bias convergence. For more information on logging data, please refer to Section 5.9 of the Integration Manual.

Causes and solutions

Another possible cause for delayed IMU convergence is electromagnetic interference at the GNSS antennas caused by a nearby USB3 device or unshielded cables. Additionally, if the quality of your correction data is low, the sensor cannot estimate whether the movement corresponds to the platform or uncertain GNSS position estimates. Please ensure you are closer than 15km to the basestation and not in an environment with many reflective surfaces.

Regarding the wheel odometry, even though it is highly recommended to configure it as it increases the positioning performance of the Vision-RTK2, it does not affect the IMU bias convergence.

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