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Is the performance affected by rain or dust?

From our customer experience and our internal tests we confirm that the visual-inertial fusion output of the Vision-RTK2 works reliably at night, in rain, and in dust. The dirt that is hurled up during operation on fields in agriculture is no reason for concern.

A deeper insight into the testing and limits of the Vision-RTK 2:

  • Humidity: The sensor is IP66 certified. Thus, it can handle humid environments and rain. In addition, it has passed salt spray and temperature shock cycle tests.

  • Vibration: The sensor has operated in high-vibration environments/platforms with no issues for the past three years. However, we recommend not placing the device on a surface vibrating at a high frequency. Moreover, the Fusion engine is able to adequately filter the noise caused by, for example, vibrations from a combustion engine. However, it must not experience severe shaking that causes the GNSS extrinsics to momentarily differ by several centimeters (e.g., bending of sensor mount) as it can cause the camera to lose track of visual features and the information not to correlate strongly.

  • Acceleration: The sensor is meant to operate in highly dynamic scenarios. The device will work as expected as long as the acceleration is not excessive (i.e., sonic speeds).

  • Bumps/shocks: The sensor is designed to withstand bumps and shocks, but we are not certified for this and cannot guarantee that it will not damage the sensor if impacted directly (especially on the camera lens). Bumps to the structure instead of the device would present the same effect as sudden accelerations.

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