This message contains only the heading from GNSS measurements; no Fusion data is
used here. The heading is defined as the angle from the true North of GNSS1 to the
GNSS2 vector in a clockwise direction.
Message fields:
# | Offset | Field | Type | Unit | Description |
- | 0 |
| uint8_t | - | Sync byte 1 (always |
- | 1 |
| uint8_t | - | Sync byte 2 (always |
- | 2 |
| uint8_t | - | Sync byte 3 (always |
- | 3 |
| uint8_t | bytes | Length of the header (always |
- | 4 |
| uint16_t | - | Message ID, always |
- | 6 |
| uint8_t | - | See protocol documentation |
- | 7 |
| uint8_t | - | Reserved, ignore |
- | 8 |
| uint16_t | bytes | Payload size, always |
- | 10 |
| uint16_t | - | Reserved, ignore |
- | 12 |
| uint8_t | - | Reserved, ignore |
1 | 13 |
| uint8_t | - | See protocol documentation |
2 | 14 |
| uint16_t | - | GPS week number |
3 | 16 |
| int32_t | ms | GPS time of week |
- | 20 |
| uint32_t | - | Reserved, ignore |
- | 24 |
| uint16_t | - | Reserved, ignore |
- | 26 |
| uint16_t | - | Reserved, ignore |
4 | 28 |
| uint32_t | - | Solution status, see below |
5 | 32 |
| uint32_t | - | Positioning mode, see below |
6 | 36 |
| float | m | Baseline length |
7 | 40 |
| float | deg | Heading |
8 | 44 |
| float | deg | Pitch |
- | 48 |
| uint32_t | - | Reserved, ignore |
- | 52 |
| uint32_t | - | Reserved, ignore |
- | 56 |
| uint32_t | - | Reserved, ignore |
- | 60 |
| uint32_t | - | Reserved, ignore |
- | 64 |
| uint32_t | - | Reserved, ignore |
9 | 68 |
| uint8_t | - | Number of satellites tracked |
10 | 69 |
| uint8_t | - | Number of satellites used in solution |
- | 70 |
| uint16_t | - | Reserved, ignore |
11 | 72 |
| uint8_t | - | Bitfield: |
- |
| bits 3…2 | - | Solution source, see below | |
12 | 73 |
| uint8_t | - | Extended solution status, see below |
13 | 74 |
| uint8_t | - | Galileo and BeiDou signal mask, see below |
14 | 75 |
| uint8_t | - | GPS and GLONASS signal mask, see below |
Solution status (sol_status
Value | Description |
| Solution computed |
| Insufficient observations |
Positioning mode (pos_type
Value | Description |
| No fix |
| RTK fixed fix |
| RTK float fix |
| Single 3D fix |
| INS and RTK fixed fix |
| INS and RTK float fix |
| INS and single 3D fix |
| INS only |
Solution source (sol_source
Value | Description |
0 | GNSS 1 |
1 | GNSS 2 |
Extended solution status (ext_sol_stat
Bit | Description |
bit 0 ( | Solution verified |
Galileo and BeiDou signal mask (gal_bds_sig_msk
Bit | Description |
bit 0 ( | Galileo E1 |
bit 2 ( | Galileo E5B |
bit 4 ( | BeiDou B1I |
bit 5 ( | BeiDou B2I |
GPS and GLONASS signal mask (gps_glo_sig_msk
Bit | Description |
bit 0 ( | GPS L1CA |
bit 1 ( | GPS L2C |
bit 4 ( | GLONASS L1OF |
bit 5 ( | GLONASS L2OF |