This message contains the transformation (translation in Cartesian coordinates and rotation as a quaternion) from frame A to B.
FP_A-TF_POIIMUH transformation from the IMU horizontal frame to the sensor’s current attitude (roll, pitch, yaw)
FP_A-TF_VRTKCAM transformation from VRTK to camera
FP_A-TF_POIVRTK transformation from POI to VRTK
FP_A-TF_ECEFENU0 transformation from ECEF to ENU0 (available since 2.85.3)
FP_A-TF_POIPOISH transformation from POI to POISH (available since 2.85.3)
The frames are (see also https://github.com/fixposition/fixposition_driver#explaination-of-frame-ids):
VRTK: Coordinate Frame at the “X” logo of Vision-RTK2, with X pointing forward, Y pointing to the left and Z pointing up.
CAM: Camera coordinate frame, with X pointing to the left, Y pointing up and Z poiting to the direction of the optical axis
POI: “Point of Interest” The output coordinate frame with the user specified transformation from the VRTK frame to the frame of the output. By default it is the same as VRTK.
IMUH: IMU Horizontal, A local horizontal frame with the origin at the same location as FP_POI. This frame is a rough estimate determined by the IMU alone.
ENU0: Global-fixed East-North-Up coordinate frame. Its origin can be chosen as the first ODOMETRY position or configured manually.
Example messages:
Message fields:
# | Field | Format | Unit | Example | Description |
1 |
| String | - |
| Message type, always |
2 |
| Numeric | - |
| Message version, always |
3 |
| Numeric | - |
| GPS week number, range 0–9999 |
4 |
| Float (.6) | s |
| GPS time of week, range 0.000–604799.999999 |
5 |
| String | - |
| Target frame (maximum 8 characters: A-Z and 0-9) |
6 |
| String | - |
| Initial frame (maximum 8 characters: A-Z and 0-9) |
7 |
| Float (.5) | m |
| Translation, X component |
8 |
| Float (.5) | m |
| Translation, Y component |
9 |
| Float (.5) | m |
| Translation, Z component |
10 |
| Float (.6) | - |
| Rotation in quaternion, W component |
11 |
| Float (.6) | - |
| Rotation in quaternion, X component |
12 |
| Float (.6) | - |
| Rotation in quaternion, Y component |
13 |
| Float (.6) | - |
| Rotation in quaternion, Z component |