This message is available from the firmware version 2.102.2
This message contains information regarding the internal status of the Fusion engine. It is output at the configured rate (i.e., alongside other messages, such as the FP-A_ODOMETRY message).
We recommend using this message to observe all parameters' status. Note that the information will not align with the status of, e.g., FP_A-ODOMETRY. This is because the status in the FP_A-ODOMSTATUS message refer to the internal Fusion logic. Therefore, the classification of each parameter state is done differently and thus the values are only fully available once Fusion is initialized
Example message:
Message fields:
# | Field | Format | Unit | Example | Description |
1 |
| String | - |
| Message type, always |
2 |
| Numeric | - |
| Message version, always |
3 |
| Numeric | - |
| GPS week number, range 0–9999 |
4 |
| Float (.6) | s |
| GPS time of week, range 0.000–604799.999999 |
5 |
| Numeric | - |
| Fusion init status, see below |
6 |
| Numeric | - |
| Fusion measurement status: IMU, see below, see also |
7 |
| Numeric | - |
| Fusion measurement status: GNSS 1, see below, see also |
8 |
| Numeric | - |
| Fusion measurement status: GNSS 2, see below, see also |
9 |
| Numeric | - |
| Fusion measurement status: GNSS corrections, see below, see also |
10 |
| Numeric | - |
| Fusion measurement status: camera, see below, see also |
11 |
| - | - | Reserved for future or internal use, ignore | |
12 |
| Numeric | - |
| Fusion measurement status: wheelspeed, see below, see also |
13 |
| Numeric | - |
| Reserved for future or internal use, ignore |
14 |
| - | - | Reserved for future or internal use, ignore | |
15 |
| - | - | Reserved for future or internal use, ignore | |
16 |
| - | - | Reserved for future or internal use, ignore | |
17 |
| - | - | Reserved for future or internal use, ignore | |
18 |
| Numeric | - |
| IMU bias status, see below |
19 |
| Numeric | - |
| IMU variance status, see below |
20 |
| Numeric | - |
| IMU convergence status, see below |
21 |
| Numeric | - |
| GNSS 1 status, see below |
22 |
| Numeric | - |
| GNSS 2 status, see below |
23 |
| Numeric | - |
| Baseline status, see below |
24 |
| Numeric | - |
| GNSS correction status, see below |
25 |
| Numeric | - |
| Camera 1 status, see below |
26 |
| - | - | Reserved for future or internal use, ignore | |
27 |
| Numeric | - |
| Wheelspeed status, see below |
28 |
| Numeric | - |
| Wheelspeed convergence status, see below |
29 |
| Numeric | - |
| Reserved for future or internal use, ignore |
20 |
| Numeric | - |
| Reserved for future or internal use, ignore |
31 |
| - | - | Reserved for future or internal use, ignore | |
32 |
| - | - | Reserved for future or internal use, ignore | |
33 |
| - | - | Reserved for future or internal use, ignore | |
34 |
| - | - | Reserved for future or internal use, ignore | |
35 |
| - | - | Reserved for future or internal use, ignore | |
36 |
| - | - | Reserved for future or internal use, ignore | |
37 |
| - | - | Reserved for future or internal use, ignore | |
38 |
| - | - | Reserved for future or internal use, ignore | |
39 |
| - | - | Reserved for future or internal use, ignore | |
40 |
| - | - | Reserved for future or internal use, ignore |
Fusion initialization status (init_status
Value | Description |
null | Unknown |
| Not initialized |
| reserved |
| Globally initialized |
Fusion measurement status (fusion_imu
, fusion_cam1
, fusion_cam2
, fusion_gnss1
, fusion_gnss2
, fusion_corr
, fusion_ws
Value | Description |
null | Info not available |
| Not used |
| Used |
| Degraded |
IMU bias status (imu_status
Value | Description |
null | Info not available |
| Not converged |
| Warm-started |
| Rough convergence |
| Fine convergence |
IMU variance (imu_noise
Value | Description |
null | Info not available |
| Reserved |
| Low noise |
| Medium noise |
| High noise |
| Reserved |
IMU accelerometer and gyroscope convergence (imu_conv
Value | Description |
null | Info not available |
| Awaiting Fusion |
| Awaiting IMU measurements |
| Insufficient global measurements |
| Insufficient motion |
| Converging |
| Reserved for future use |
| Idle |
GNSS fix status (gnss1_status
, gnss2_status
Value | Description |
null | Info not available |
| No fix |
| Single-point positioning (SPP) |
| RTK moving baseline |
| Reserved for future use |
| RTK float |
| Reserved for future use |
| RTK fixed |
| Reserved for future use |
GNSS correction status (corr_status
Value | Description |
null | Info not available |
| Waiting fusion |
| No GNSS available |
| No corrections used |
| Limited corrections used: station data & at least one of the constellations (both bands) among the valid rover measurements |
| Corrections are too old (TBD) |
| Sufficient corrections used: station data and corrections for ALL bands among the valid rover measurements |
| Reserved for future use |
Baseline status (baseline_status
Value | Description |
null | Info not available |
| Waiting fusion |
| Not available / No fix |
| Failing |
| Passing |
Camera status (cam1_status
Value | Description |
null | Info not available |
| Camera not available |
| Camera available, but not usable (e.g. too dark) |
| Reserved for future use |
| Camera working and available |
Wheelspeed status (ws_status
Value | Description |
null | Info not available |
| No wheelspeed enabled |
| Missing wheelspeed measurements |
| At least one wheelspeed enabled, no wheelspeed converged |
| At least one wheelspeed enabled and at least one converged |
| At least one wheelspeed enabled and all converged |
Wheelspeed convergence status (ws_conv
Value | Description |
null | Info not available |
| Awaiting Fusion |
| Missing wheelspeed measurements |
| Insufficient global measurements |
| Insufficient motion |
| Insufficient IMU bias convergence |
| Converging |
| Idle |