This message is available from 2.102.1
This message contains information regarding the internal status of the Fusion engine. It is output at the configured rate (i.e., alongside the main FP-A_ODOMETRY message).
Example message:
Message fields:
# | Field | Format | Unit | Example | Description |
1 |
| String | - |
| Message type, always |
2 |
| Numeric | - |
| Message version, always |
3 |
| Numeric | - |
| GPS week number, range 0–9999 |
4 |
| Float (.6) | s |
| GPS time of week, range 0.000–604799.999999 |
5 |
| Numeric | - |
| Fusion init status, see below |
6 |
| Numeric | - |
| Fusion measurement status: IMU, see below, see also |
7 |
| Numeric | - |
| Fusion measurement status: GNSS 1, see below, see also |
8 |
| Numeric | - |
| Fusion measurement status: GNSS 2, see below, see also |
9 |
| Numeric | - |
| Fusion measurement status: GNSS corrections, see below, see also |
10 |
| Numeric | - |
| Fusion measurement status: camera, see below, see also |
11 |
| - | - | Reserved for future or internal use, ignore | |
12 |
| Numeric | - |
| Fusion measurement status: wheelspeed, see below, see also |
13 |
| Numeric | - |
| Fusion measurement status: markers, see below, see also |
14 |
| - | - | Reserved for future or internal use, ignore | |
15 |
| - | - | Reserved for future or internal use, ignore | |
16 |
| - | - | Reserved for future or internal use, ignore | |
17 |
| - | - | Reserved for future or internal use, ignore | |
18 |
| Numeric | - |
| IMU bias status, see below |
19 |
| Numeric | - |
| IMU variance status, see below |
20 |
| Numeric | - |
| IMU convergence status, see below |
21 |
| Numeric | - |
| GNSS 1 status, see below |
22 |
| Numeric | - |
| GNSS 2 status, see below |
23 |
| Numeric | - |
| Baseline status, see below |
24 |
| Numeric | - |
| GNSS correction status, see below |
25 |
| Numeric | - |
| Camera 1 status, see below |
26 |
| - | - | Reserved for future or internal use, ignore | |
27 |
| Numeric | - |
| Wheelspeed status, see below |
28 |
| Numeric | - |
| Wheelspeed convergence status, see below |
29 |
| Numeric | - |
| Markers status, see below |
20 |
| Numeric | - |
| Markers convergence status, see below |
31 |
| - | - | Reserved for future or internal use, ignore | |
32 |
| - | - | Reserved for future or internal use, ignore | |
33 |
| - | - | Reserved for future or internal use, ignore | |
34 |
| - | - | Reserved for future or internal use, ignore | |
35 |
| - | - | Reserved for future or internal use, ignore | |
36 |
| - | - | Reserved for future or internal use, ignore | |
37 |
| - | - | Reserved for future or internal use, ignore | |
38 |
| - | - | Reserved for future or internal use, ignore | |
39 |
| - | - | Reserved for future or internal use, ignore | |
40 |
| - | - | Reserved for future or internal use, ignore |
Fusion initialization status (init_status
Value | Description |
null | Unknown |
| Not initialized |
| Locally initialized |
| Globally initialized |
Fusion measurement status (fusion_imu
, fusion_cam1
, fusion_cam2
, fusion_gnss1
, fusion_gnss2
, fusion_corr
, fusion_ws
, fusion_markers
Value | Description |
null | Info not available |
| Not used |
| Used |
| Degraded |
IMU bias status (imu_status
Value | Description |
null | Info not available |
| Not converged |
| Warm-started |
| Rough convergence |
| Fine convergence |
IMU variance (imu_noise
Value | Description |
null | Info not available |
| Reserved |
| Low noise |
| Medium noise |
| High noise |
| Reserved |
IMU accelerometer and gyroscope convergence (imu_conv
Value | Description |
null | Info not available |
| Awaiting Fusion |
| Awaiting IMU measurements |
| Insufficient global measurements |
| Insufficient motion |
| Converging |
| Reserved for future use |
| Idle |
GNSS fix status (gnss1_status
, gnss2_status
Value | Description |
null | Info not available |
| No fix |
| Single-point positioning (SPP) |
| RTK moving baseline |
| Reserved for future use |
| RTK float |
| Reserved for future use |
| RTK fixed |
| Reserved for future use |
GNSS correction status (corr_status
Value | Description |
null | Info not available |
| Waiting fusion |
| No GNSS available |
| No corrections used |
| Limited corrections used: station data & at least one of the constellations (both bands) among the valid rover measurements |
| Corrections are too old (TBD) |
| Sufficient corrections used: station data and corrections for ALL bands among the valid rover measurements |
| Reserved for future use |
Baseline status (baseline_status
Value | Description |
null | Info not available |
| Waiting fusion |
| Not available / No fix |
| Failing |
| Passing |
Camera status (cam1_status
Value | Description |
null | Info not available |
| Camera not available |
| Camera available, but not usable (e.g. too dark) |
| Reserved for future use |
| Camera working and available |
Wheelspeed status (ws_status
Value | Description |
null | Info not available |
| No wheelspeed enabled |
| Missing wheelspeed measurements |
| At least one wheelspeed enabled, no wheelspeed converged |
| At least one wheelspeed enabled and at least one converged |
| At least one wheelspeed enabled and all converged |
Wheelspeed convergence status (ws_conv
Value | Description |
null | Info not available |
| Awaiting Fusion |
| Missing wheelspeed measurements |
| Insufficient global measurements |
| Insufficient motion |
| Insufficient IMU bias convergence |
| Converging |
| Idle |
Markers status (markers_status
Value | Description |
null | Info not available |
| No markers available |
| Markers available |
| Markers available, and used |
Markers convergence status (markers_conv
Value | Description |
null | Info not available |
| Awaiting Fusion |
| Waiting marker measurements |
| Insufficient global measurements |
| Converging |
| Idle |